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Winner of the 2015 Parents' Choice Gold Award for Software!
之後我這樣想了,就決定網路買[104美國直購] Mod Design 1 - Kids Ages 8-14 Learn to Code in Java with Minecraft ? (PC & Mac) $9817,超划算的~
Product Features
Includes 30+ hours of online & interactive videos
Product Details
Winner of the 2014 Top Homeschooling Curriculum & 2015 Parents' Choice Gold Awards!
Shipping Weight: 0.3 ounces
Mod Design 1 for Minecraft ? is a unique opportunity for young students to learn Java in an exciting and meaningful way. They will not only come away with an impressive project to share with their friends, but also with a foundational knowledge of object-oriented programming.
最後,不免推薦[104美國直購] Mod Design 1 - Kids Ages 8-14 Learn to Code in Java with Minecraft ? (PC & Mac) $9817一定要網路買,最划算喔~
最近我到百貨公司裡,看到[104美國直購] Mod Design 1 - Kids Ages 8-14 Learn to Code in Java with Minecraft ? (PC & Mac) $9817商品,覺得還不錯
Help from Online Teachers is Never More than a Mouse Click Away!
結果,發現在這裡買[104美國直購] Mod Design 1 - Kids Ages 8-14 Learn to Code in Java with Minecraft ? (PC & Mac) $9817,居然比百貨公司便宜,還有折價券可以拿
Youth Digital's mission is to teach kids real software coding and design skills by creating awesome projects with cutting-edge technology.
Includes quizzes, badges, challenges, contests and bonus material
Product Description
Kids Learn to Code in Java by Making Mods for Minecraft ?
In our most popular online course, boys and girls will learn the fundamentals of Java programming by creating their own Minecraft ? Mod (or Modification) for the PC / Mac version of Minecraft ?. For every item, block or creature they want to add, kids will first design and then code their object in Java. At the end of the course, they will have their own polished Minecraft ? Mod that they created from scratch.
後來我聽我朋友建議,可以到網路購物買[104美國直購] Mod Design 1 - Kids Ages 8-14 Learn to Code in Java with Minecraft ? (PC & Mac) $9817
Effective and Entertaining
Regardless of your location or expertise with technology, your kids can gain critical computer, programming and technology skills in a manner that is highly interactive, rewarding and fun. Students watch videos, respond to questions, earn badges, and complete quizzes and challenging assignments as they step toward mastering critical technology skills and professional-level software.
Includes 1 year access to online course and teacher support
Winner of the 2014 Top Homeschooling Curriculum Award!

Kids, ages 8-14, learn Java programming by making their own Mods for Minecraft?
關鍵字:[104美國直購] Mod Design 1 - Kids Ages 8-14 Learn to Code in Java with Minecraft ? (PC & Mac) $9817哪裡買,[104美國直購] Mod Design 1 - Kids Ages 8-14 Learn to Code in Java with Minecraft ? (PC & Mac) $9817哪裡?
- 澳洲新包裝Lucas' Papaw Ointment 木瓜霜 25g (兩件組)
- 行李箱 拉桿箱 登機箱-女性出國渡假四輪22-24吋硬殼時尚休閒旅行箱67k35【獨家進口】【米蘭精品】
- 【H-CT】瘋馬皮個性設計款真皮手機腰包-大(PDA-A851-Z)
- 【LANCASTER】質感平紋牛皮側背水桶包(小)(童話粉)423-10 FUXIA
- Genuine 捷元 宙斯機-5N UP888-4H 電腦